Visual Perceptual Behavioral Performances Changes Everyone experiences changes during and after vision therapy. At first, many of the effects you experience may seem to have little relationship to therapy activities. But altering vision alters your perception of the physical and personal world around you. Once your perception changes and expands, you will probably notice changes in your behavior and your response to others' behavior. Noticing all those changes provides feedback that is an important part of vision therapy. For that reason, we ask you to take the time now to check off changes you have noticed.PHYSICAL, VISUAL Decreased stress Less fatigue Less feeling of frustration Greater feeling of comfort More awareness of surroundings Greater awareness of periphery Greater awareness of depth Everything seems "brighter" Feel more relaxed Improved visual recall Better at visualization Improved perceptual skills READING AND SCHOOL Reading speed has increased Comprehension has increased Read for a longer time More interested in reading Do more spontaneous reading Better grades in school Handwriting has improved Homework is easier Finish homework in less time Studying seems easier Understanding material is easier Like school better now PERSONAL, BEHAVIOR, SOCIAL Trying more new things Feel more self-confidence Greater sense of well-being Behavior has improved Friendships have "opened up" Stronger family, peer ties Better at self-direction Tend to withdraw less often Behavior is more mature Decrease in hyperactivity Do more without being told Smile more often Happier in general Feel more in control of your life SPORTS, COORDINATION, MOVEMENT Posture has improved More coordinated Less awkward or clumsy Less accident prone Balance has improved Enjoy sports more Do better in sports activities Rhythm and timing have improved WORK, HOBBIES, DRIVING Like job better Advancing in job or career Make better use of time Complete tasks in less time Better at following directions Often initiate positive actions Learning new skills more easily Enjoy hobbies more Driving skill has improved Parking your car is easier OTHER CHANGESPatient's Name First Last Date today MM slash DD slash YYYY Δ